Top eLearning Influencers in 2016 Infographic

The Top #eLearning Influencers in 2016 Infographic provides a ‘movers and shakers’ list that is compiled from a corporate online learning perspective, on the basis of a person’s perceived current influence on the online learning industry – as a practitioner, commentator, facilitator and/or thought leader.

1. Charles Jennings

Leading thinker and practitioner in learning, development and performance. He is also a Senior Director with the Internet Time Alliance and Co-founder of the 70:20:10 Institute.

2. Craig Weiss

A recognized #e-learning expert, industry analyst, speaker, and the author of the well-known blog Elearning 24/7.

3. Clark Quinn

Recognized leader helping organizations take advantage of information systems to meet learning, knowledge, and performance needs. Executive Director of Quinnovation, published author, and author of the Learnlets Blog.

4. Laura Overton

Managing Director of Towards Maturity with more than two decades of experience in helping organisations improve the business impact of learning technologies in the workplace.

5. Jane Hart

A workplace learning and collaboration advisor, writer and international speaker. Founder of Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies, which shares information on new learning trends, technologies and tools.

6. Christopher Pappas

Founder and CEO of the eLearning Industry Network, which is the largest eLearning Professionals’ network at the present moment.

7. Patti Shank

Speaker, writer, author and the President of Learning Peaks LLC, an internationally recognized consulting firm that provides learning and performance consulting.

8. Harold Jarche

A Canada-based ‘thought catalyst’, writer and blogger. He has been described as “a keen subversive of the last century’s management and education models”.

9. Roger Schank

Former Professor at Stanford, Yale, and Northwestern. Now president and CEO of Socratic Arts, a long-established thought leader and education revolutionary.

10. Tom Kuhlmann

One of the most known e-learning designers with an experience of over 20 years in the training industry and the author of the Rapid Elearning Blog.

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